Leadership Lab – Release Your Conditioning, Claim Your Personal Power, and Liberate Your Life, Love, & Passion
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Workshop Details – September 10 @ 12pm CT
You're here because you want to create your Best Ever life, not a meh life.
Yet if you're anything like me, you keep hitting roadblocks. There's no shortage of maddeningly convincing reasons why you can't quite create the lit-up life you crave.
I get it. You're not alone. And there's a reason why it's hard.
We all swim in a sea of unconscious limitations, having been conditioned in ways we can scarcely perceive.
Our conditioning has us sacrificing our dreams, dimming our lights and in fundamental ways, denying our very own needs and desires.
Sounds pretty dire, doesn't it?
The good news is there's a path to liberation and it's simpler than you think.
Liberation is about choice, agency, personal power, inner authority and radical integrity.
It's about saying an unapologetic YES to you and to the unique and life-giving gifts within you. Saying YES to your most aligned leadership.
Please join myself and Anné Klint for a very special Liberation edition of Leadership Lab.
This Leadership Lab is for you if you:
- Have been feeling stuck lately (or maybe for a long while now!)
- Don’t know what you want or are wondering what’s next
- Have a vague sense that something is missing
- Are wondering if there’s more for you
Get ready to take your life from meh to meaning and fine to WOW!
It's time to get unstuck.
Create a life you’re actually excited about living again with this Liberation Leadership Lab!
This FREE event will feature Anné's guidance and expertise to liberate your life, love, and passion, along with time afterwards for discussion and integration of the material. You’ll leave with a solid understanding AND plan to move forward.
Join live or via replay, whatever works best for you (everyone who registers will get access to both).