Leadership Lab – Mastering Your Mindset: The Key to Effective Self-Leadership
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Workshop Details – June 11 @ 12pm CT
ALL of my successes and failures have one thing in common.
My mindset.
Without a doubt, mindset makes all the difference between success and failure.
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.”
Mindset matters most.
No matter what your goals are this year, you’re going to need the right mindset to make them happen.
So join me and special guest expert, Johonna Duckworth, for Mastering Your Mindset: The Key to Effective Self-Leadership.
This FREE event will feature Johonna’s guidance and expertise to help you master your mindset, along with time afterwards for discussion and integration of the material. You’ll leave with a solid understanding AND plan for Mastering Your Mindset.
Join live or via replay, whatever works best for you (everyone who registers will get access to both).