I was starting to ask myself a lot of hard questions, some of which had never occurred to me to ask before. Chief among them, “What does success look like?” You see, I knew exactly what success looked like in the corporate world. I understood the people, the hierarchy, the roles and assignments, as well as how to navigate those things to continue to move up the corporate ladder. Technically, that’s success. I was successful at work. I did great work and people seemed to like working with me. I knew the answers to the question “What does success look like?” at my corporate job.

However, the question changes dramatically with the addition of two words: for me. When I started to explore the question of “What does success look like for me?” I was initially at a loss for words. I had no idea, no real guesses, apart from some glib answer that people spout off when complaining about the job that’s making them miserable. It was some vague notion of not having to work anymore and laying in a hammock in the shade. Beach optional.

Truth be told, I’d never spent much time thinking about the for me part of the question. It was an unnecessary input. I knew what I needed to do to become successful at work and I set about doing it. As you can imagine, I was grossly underprepared for the shocking realization that defining success for me was actually WAY more important than how any company defined it.

I read every book on purpose and meaning that I could get my hands on. I was desperate to find my calling. The thing I was made for. The one true work for me. And for 20 years, I felt like one of the cast-offs on the Island of Misfit Toys in the Claymation holiday classic.

I didn’t find purpose or meaning, partly because I lacked an understanding of my authentic self. It was disappointing, frustrating, maddening even sometimes. Where was my one job? Where was my calling?

I kept on reading the articles and books that were telling me I could find it in 3 easy steps. But it never materialized for me. I had lots of interests. I had a great set of skills and strengths I could deploy. If only I could find that secret, one thing that had eluded me my entire life.

Finally, I had to call shenanigans and malarkey. This conspiracy has gone on far too long.

I don’t believe there is one job or one type of work for each of us. I know now I could take my strengths and talents and find lots of ways to deploy them meaningfully. I’d found a way to be successful as a telemarketer, a web developer, a waitress, a computer help desk person, a front desk clerk at a hotel, a project manager, a requirements analyst, a technology educator, a product manager, a team lead, a presenter, an IT leader, and plenty of other roles.

And that’s true for every single person on this planet. We can all be successful in myriad ways.

I’ll grant you that some individuals have managed to find work they truly enjoy that gives them meaning and challenge, pay and benefits, autonomy and the like, but according to Gallup surveys, that’s less than 15% of the global population. In an 80/20 world, finding your one true calling would be considered the exception to the rule, NOT the rule.

So, what to do when your purpose is as mysterious as how the flux capacitor makes time travel possible? The best approach is to do some more digging to discover or uncover your authentic self. Once I started to resurface the me that I had lost along the way, a funny thing happened. The best way I can describe it is a lack of resistance. Everything stopped being So. Unbelievably. Hard.

All of a sudden, things were simpler. I was still working hard and committed to quality work, but the obstacles in my path were cleared or were easier to get around than they had been in the past. The resistance I’d felt up to that point wasn’t there.

It was a strange sensation to be sure.

In the past, I’d figured out how to be successful in lots of roles in lots of ways, but never as defined by me. For all my roles, it was a lot of work to assess the people, processes, and systems and the corresponding definition of success for any organization. It was challenging and stretched and grew me in different ways. But it was never satisfying or fulfilling. It felt much more like a check-the-box activity rather than anything remotely enjoyable. It was a path filled with friction.

When I started to move toward the “for me” part of the question “What does success look like?”, the friction dissolved. It didn’t magically make everything easy without any challenges, but it did remove a layer of resistance that I didn’t even realize I’d been bumping up against my entire working life.

Defining success for me helped me move beyond the “one job for every person” fairy tale and into an exciting world of possibilities.

#PositiveAction Examine what success looks like for you in any realm where you haven’t defined it yet. Starting points could be career, exercise, parenting, free time, relationships, making a difference, etc. You’re awesome if you’re hanging out here, so I know you get the idea.

This was an excerpt from my bestselling book, Success Authentically: Unlock Excitement, Purpose, and Joy At Work. Loved it? Grab a copy below. 



Top image by Fernando Latorre from Pixabay

We got a ping pong table as a family gift for Christmas. So it’s official. Just like all those other fun workplaces with ping pong, we can be innovative now!

Oh wait, the ping pong table doesn’t actually create the innovation. It’s the humans. *Somebody quick tell all those companies that installed the tables!*

And innovate we have! It turns out that no one in my house is inherently good at ping pong (though my spouse is easily the best player here) so we need lots of practice. The balls spend more time bouncing on our unfinished basement floor than on the table. We were spending most of our time chasing them. Until we innovated.

We had a few random pieces of drywall that we were able to lean against some other items to create a ball blockade. They don’t go all the way up like a wall would, but they do keep most of the errant ping pong balls from rolling too far away. In some cases, the bounce off the makeshift wall is enough to get the ping pong ball back in play!

Sidebar: No, I haven’t checked the official ping pong rulebook to know if that’s legal or not!

We didn’t set up the drywall the day we unpacked the table. It took time and experimentation to see what was and wasn’t working for us. That’s usually the way innovation works. It’s not the modern furniture or the gaming tables that create innovation. It’s the humans that have the time and freedom to experiment that are fixing problems, big and small.

One of the most important questions leaders can ask themselves is what they should stop doing so their team has more time. Stressed, overworked employees can’t be innovative, no matter how hard they try.

If you want innovation, create the space for it. Ping pong table optional.

#PositiveAction What’s something that’s been annoying you at work or at home that you could fix today? Take a little time and experiment to see if you can make it better!

Photos by me. The first is a fancy portrait of the paddles. The second is the unfancy but functional ball blockade.

About this time, the crowds on the resolution bandwagon have started to thin. We’ve been looking at how to make resolutions stick. You don’t stand a chance without belief or support. But the odds are against you without the third component: accountability.

I know! Accountability isn’t sexy or cool or even interesting to most people.

Accountability is often the very thing we try to avoid at all costs! But I’m here to tell you friends, that accountability works. It’s the rocket fuel that will take your resolutions to outer space (or wherever it is you want to go)!

Of course, anyone who’s been around the blog for more than a minute knows that I talk a lot about the importance of using your strengths at work. New here? Check out all these strengths posts.

I go blathering on about strengths on the regular because they are a critical component of doing your best work, finding your place in a community, and getting more joy out of work and life. And who doesn’t want those things? Yup. It’s pretty much what everyone is looking for after funny cat videos.

Some people get stuck wondering what their strengths are, so here’s a really simple way to find some of them: think about what people compliment you on.

I told you it was simple!

Those things that people compliment us on tend to be strengths that we don’t notice because it came so easily to us. Those compliments can be about the way we approach our work, our work style, why people like working with us, or how we make life easier/better for someone else.

Sidebar: If you can’t come up with anything, start a list today of compliments you get and track them until you see a pattern.

One of the compliments that I regularly get is that I’m a good accountability partner. I never set out to weave accountability into the fabric of the lives of my family, friends, and co-workers. It just happened. I can’t even fully explain how I do it (another sign of a strength!) other than to say my brain seems to remember when other people tell me something important to them and I follow up to hear about the progress they’re making toward said important thing.

Sometimes when I ask people how their important thing is going they tell me how awesome it is! But more often, they get embarrassed and mumble about how busy they’ve been. And let me be the first to tell you that just because I’m a good accountability partner doesn’t mean that I never get stuck. Excuses are often a lot easier to come by than the simple action we know we need to take. We all need accountability to keep us on track.

#PositiveAction Find someone who will regularly check in with you on your progress toward your important thing.

Resolutions are hard, so I’ve got 2 things to help make yours easier.

  1. My e-book, Change Authentically is on sale this week. It’s exactly the boost of positive action you need to get your resolutions back on track.
  2. This is the final week I’m going to be offering FREE calls so you can make sure you’ve got the belief, support, and accountability to manifest your dreams! Even if you’ve been struggling with taking action on your resolutions, a call with me is painless, easy, and fun. And of course, free!


Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay

Anyone give up on their resolutions already? Or maybe you haven’t quite managed to start yet? I know people in both camps! There are also some people that are committed to making their resolutions stick. As the Cowardly Lion asks in Wizard of Oz, “What have they got that I ain’t got?…Courage.” Or more accurately, belief

Belief will get you started, but it won’t always be enough to keep you going.

That’s where support comes in. We all need somebody to lean on. *spontaneous song break!*

Becoming the best version of yourself doesn’t happen at the stroke of midnight when the calendar changes from 2020 to 2021. It happens slowly over time as you begin to embody your new intention and identity.

My dream of becoming a bestselling author didn’t happen overnight. It was a day-by-day activity that I had to keep showing up for, even when it was hard. Some days all I could muster was a single new sentence. Some days the words flowed through me like a torrential downpour. No matter the day, I had to keep the promise I’d made to myself and show up.

The same is true for those big dreams you’re trying to accomplish this year. Your resolutions need you to keep showing up. Daily.

But showing up isn’t usually easy or fun.

This is why you need support! Share your dream with other people so they can encourage you. There will be days when you want to give up, but having the support of someone else can give you the lift you need to keep at it.

In order to make my bestselling author dream a reality, I had some good people cheering me on that wouldn’t let me give up. They helped me find the resolve to keep making progress when I would otherwise not.

Support can be the difference between becoming the new you and reverting back to old habits and patterns from last year (and let’s be honest, no one wants to go back to 2020!!).

#PositiveAction Tell your resolution to one other person and ask them to support you on your journey.

You’re ready to create your best life, your dream job, and the best version of you. Except there’s that voice in your head, telling you that you can’t. That you won’t be successful. Just like all the other times you’ve tried. But that ends today, because with change coaching, you have the support and accountability you were missing all the other times you’ve tried.

This time will be different, because you’ll have the secret weapon: change coaching.

Looking for help with your resolutions? Schedule a FREE call to get support (hey, we all need that!) and recommendations on your journey.


Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay