Thanksgiving is my absolute, all-time, #1 favorite holiday of the year! Yes I love the food, family, and football… but it’s also about gratitude. It’s intentional time spent reflecting on the people, opportunities, and events that have been meaningful for me. And like everyone, my daily life can get hectic, so I don’t always say all the thank-yous I should.

November is my chance to do better.

Throughout the month, I make it a point to express gratitude in different ways. I write notes of appreciation (paper and digital), do random acts of kindness, spread good cheer and tell people thanks. 

Gratitude Fact: it’s one of the most fun things you can do that is both legal and free!

In my experience, most people feel underappreciated at work. Showing appreciation and expressing gratitude doesn't have to be uncommon. We can change it starting right now, today!

If you’re looking for some gratitude inspiration, this is the place to be all month long! We’ll be sharing ideas, spreading good cheer, and having fun. It’s time for a Gratitude Adjustment!

#PositiveAction Count how many times you say thank you today. Did you hit double digits? Bonus: Try to add one more thank you tomorrow than you did today! Can you keep the streak going all month long?!?

Thanks for reading (See how easy it is to add into everything you do?!?). 


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