About this time, the crowds on the resolution bandwagon have started to thin. We’ve been looking at how to make resolutions stick. You don’t stand a chance without belief or support. But the odds are against you without the third component: accountability.
I know! Accountability isn’t sexy or cool or even interesting to most people.
Accountability is often the very thing we try to avoid at all costs! But I’m here to tell you friends, that accountability works. It’s the rocket fuel that will take your resolutions to outer space (or wherever it is you want to go)!
Of course, anyone who’s been around the blog for more than a minute knows that I talk a lot about the importance of using your strengths at work. New here? Check out all these strengths posts.
I go blathering on about strengths on the regular because they are a critical component of doing your best work, finding your place in a community, and getting more joy out of work and life. And who doesn’t want those things? Yup. It’s pretty much what everyone is looking for after funny cat videos.
Some people get stuck wondering what their strengths are, so here’s a really simple way to find some of them: think about what people compliment you on.
I told you it was simple!
Those things that people compliment us on tend to be strengths that we don’t notice because it came so easily to us. Those compliments can be about the way we approach our work, our work style, why people like working with us, or how we make life easier/better for someone else.
Sidebar: If you can’t come up with anything, start a list today of compliments you get and track them until you see a pattern.
One of the compliments that I regularly get is that I’m a good accountability partner. I never set out to weave accountability into the fabric of the lives of my family, friends, and co-workers. It just happened. I can’t even fully explain how I do it (another sign of a strength!) other than to say my brain seems to remember when other people tell me something important to them and I follow up to hear about the progress they’re making toward said important thing.
Sometimes when I ask people how their important thing is going they tell me how awesome it is! But more often, they get embarrassed and mumble about how busy they’ve been. And let me be the first to tell you that just because I’m a good accountability partner doesn’t mean that I never get stuck. Excuses are often a lot easier to come by than the simple action we know we need to take. We all need accountability to keep us on track.
#PositiveAction Find someone who will regularly check in with you on your progress toward your important thing.
Resolutions are hard, so I’ve got 2 things to help make yours easier.
- My e-book, Change Authentically is on sale this week. It’s exactly the boost of positive action you need to get your resolutions back on track.
- This is the final week I’m going to be offering FREE calls so you can make sure you’ve got the belief, support, and accountability to manifest your dreams! Even if you’ve been struggling with taking action on your resolutions, a call with me is painless, easy, and fun. And of course, free!
Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay