How do we change?

We already know the three biggest barriers to change since we spent the last 3 weeks talking about them.

So then, what’s stopping us? That’s right, nothing!

Except, for many of us, it’s still something.

Change is hard and tricky to navigate. We don’t always know what to do next. That’s where knowledge becomes critical. We can face our fear and stop our bodies and brains from overreacting. We can rally support around us by asking for help. But then what?

We need a practical system that is easy to follow in order to make change happen. Enter the Change Conqueror virtual workshop! It has all the tools you need to bring about any change you want to see in work or life! You’ll learn:

  1. The mindset needed for change to happen
  2. What change requires and what change creates
  3. Easy-to-use ACTION plan to start changing today!

It’s all packaged together in one 90-minute workshop that you can watch live or catch the replay when it’s convenient for you. Fall is the perfect time to usher in changes, large and small, as nature reminds us through changing leaves and changing weather. Change is happening. You can be more than in control of it. You can be a Change Conqueror!

#PositiveAction Identify one change you’d like to make at work or home and get started today!

And if you're looking for more change resources, you may be interested in my books, You Got This and Change Authentically: A Guide to Transform Your Job and Life Through Positive Action!


Image by Gerd Altmann  from Pixabay

What makes change easier?

As I shared in my post on Change and Body, I’m an improver at heart. 

On the plus side, it helps me enjoy the process of change. On the minus side, it means I’m never satisfied. There’s always something else to be tweaked, updated, or tinkered with. When I harness this power for good, it helps me refine and improve; when used by the perfectionistic demon that follows me around all day perched on my shoulder, it wreaks havoc.

Yes, all our strengths can also be weaknesses if we let them.

This is where a good support system comes in. I have some people in my life that I can trust to be honest with me. They will tell me if I’m over-improving, allowing my perfectionist tendencies to interfere with progress, or if I’m just plain being an idiot! And I love them for it.

What makes change easier? Friends! We all need BFFs, whether you call them friends, buddies, pals, or even work proximity associates

Yes, friends are fun to chat with, but they are also an in-built source of accountability. When we tell other people about something we’re working toward, we are WAY less likely to bail on that plan when it gets hard, because we know our friends (at least our real ones!) will ask about it. They help us stay the course and provide support when we’re struggling. They care about how we’re doing. They’re willing to help us when we need it. Basically, involving your friends makes ANY change a whole lot easier to manage.*

We are entering the season of change as summer transforms to winter and I’ve got exactly what you need if you’re ready for a change. It’s a 90-minute Change Conqueror virtual workshop designed to help you tackle any change you want to make in work or life (whether you’ve chosen change or not!).

#PositiveAction Reach out to 1-3 friends to share something important where you could use some extra accountability. You’ll be glad you did when you hit your goal!

*If that hasn’t been your experience, you may need to find a new support group… and lucky for you, I have just the group in mind!


Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Why is change so hard?

Even when you want the change to happen, it's challenging. Last week, we talked about how our bodies can interfere with our best intentions to change.  This week we’re talking about our brains.

I wish I could tell you that our brains are smarter than our bodies, but when we’re talking about change, I can’t. Our brain is just as likely to freak out as our body when we are faced with something new (and all change is some form of newness!!).

Rather than a physical reaction, though, our brains try to reason with us by telling us stories. Stories like: You don’t have time for this right now. You aren’t <fill in the blank> enough. Your family is counting on you and you’ll let them down. And there are plenty more stories where those came from!

Why is change so hard? Because of the brain. Basically, your brain is trying to talk you out of doing the new thing because it’s totally panicked at the thought of the new thing. Remember, this happens regardless of whether you initiate/choose the change or whether the change has been forced upon you.

So what do we do?

We need to give our brain enough familiar stuff that it gets OK with the amount of newness. You wouldn’t want to get married, move across the country, and start a new job all in the same week (although I’ve got friends who have done it and thrive despite the challenges they faced!). You want to limit the amount of newness where possible.

A quick fix: Give yourself more familiar, comfortable situations, people, and physical things to help soothe your brain and allow it to relax so it’s less resistant to the change or new thing. In the past 6 months while embracing lots of newness, I've used old shows, music, pictures, and books (just to name a few familiar things!) to help me. 

You'll find that when you do, your brain will stop spinning stories for you and will get on board with the change! 

#PositiveAction Find some familiarity to stop the change-freak-out in your brain while your comfort zone expands! 

Exciting News: The Change Conqueror 90-minute virtual workshop has returned for fall! Just as the leaves begin to change, we will work through change together to accomplish your biggest goals and dreams! Learn more and register today!


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I enjoy change! I know it’s something that makes me weird, but I embrace it. You see, I’m an improver at heart. I love to find ways to make systems, processes, and environments better. And I especially love helping people live into the best version of themselves through change.

Even though I love change so much I’ve literally written a book on it, change is still a challenge. It’s something that I have to work at and something my clients struggle with too. So for the next several weeks, we’re going to explore answers to the question: Why Is Change So Hard?

Our bodies are complex pieces of equipment that do a whole lot of things for us from providing a physical repository for all of our bones, muscles, and organs all the way to breathing automatically and pumping blood so that all those parts keep on functioning.

Our bodies are designed to keep us safe, which is awesome in the wilderness when a threat is nearby, but it’s a whole lot less helpful when we’re trying to make change happen and drop those 15 pounds we gained during quarantine!

Our bodies basically give us only 3 options when faced with a threat (and more often than not, doing something new is considered a threat): Fight, flight, or freeze. As you can imagine, battling against change, running away from change, and doing nothing in the face of change aren’t overly helpful responses.

Especially if you want or need to actually change!

Know that your body is going to protest the new thing, at least at first. And be prepared for that response so you can move beyond it. And if you’re looking for more guidance, I am offering a Change Conqueror virtual workshop designed to help you tackle any change you want to make in work or life (whether you’ve chosen change or not!).

#PositiveAction You can make change happen. Take a deep breath. And do it again. In fact, keep focusing on your breath until your body has stopped freaking out in the name of safety! Yes!! You got this!


Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay